Caring For God's Acre - the conservation charity for burial grounds across the UK > About recording > We would love to know what wildlife you see – here’s how to add your records

We would love to know what wildlife you see – here’s how to add your records

Join us in exploring the plant and animal life living within these historic green spaces. Your observations are invaluable—record the species you encounter and add them to a public database accessible to all. Your records will shed light on which plant and animal species are thriving and which may need support. It also helps the dedicated organisations and volunteers who care for these places make informed management decisions.

For those new to recording or equipped with a smartphone, we recommend trying out the iNaturalist app. It’s not only a fun and straightforward way to document your findings but also assists in species identification, enhancing your wildlife encounters. Simply join the Beautiful Burial Grounds Project within the app and start submitting your records. Links to download the app are below.

If you prefer traditional methods, fear not! You can also share your observations with us via email or post. Download a PDF or Word form from our website, fill it out with your sightings, and send it our way.

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