Llangattock: St Catwg’s Church
About this Churchyard
We have been managing the churchyard for about 13 years now, since a small group of us decided that too many flowers were being cut and that the grass cuttings being left were unsightly and doing no good!
It has been a struggle, but we have more volunteers now. The cutting regime, for which we have to pay, varies according to the weather. This year we have manage with only one, but the clearing was not as thorough, as the weather was against us. Last year we needed three cuts, which were cleared pretty well.
The best time to visit is spring when the churchyard is full of primroses and also cowslips on the NW side of the church, under the tower. These have spread very well and are now sometimes seen on the S side too. We then have a good variety of flowers through the summer, including the Hop trefoil – and I did see two blue butterflies on these this year! It was not a good year for butterflies, but we have orange tips early on, while small tortoiseshell, peacocks and red admirals do enjoy the buddleia later. We also have many moths, if you are outl ate to see them!
Two surveys in successive years, 2021 and 2022, recorded a total of over 130 species, including a common spotted orchid this year. There are cyclamen in the autumn, also spreading each year.
Paths are mown through the churchyard to facilitate access in all seasons
Key Features
- Wildflower areas
- Good accessibility
- Memorials with famous or infamous connections
St Catwg’s Church
Visitor Information
Contact Details
Ann Williams,
Opening Times
Churchyard open all year
The church is also open daily, 10-4
Access is level, but paths are all grass within the burial ground
No benches yet
Toilets in the Park which are accessible to all
Parking & Transport
Limited parking but you can park where there is space on the roadside in the village.
Very limited buses, the closest bus stop is a 5-minute walk from the church
The closest is Cafe Le Gallois in Crickhowell, a 5-minute drive from the church. There is a pub, The Horseshoe, opposite the park and The Old Rectory Hotel up the road from the church