The Quiet Garden Movement
9th October 2023We spoke with Sarah Jane Godson, Charity Co-ordinator of The Quiet Garden Movement to learn a little more about the charity.
How many Quiet Gardens are there and where can they be found?
There are 254 quiet gardens worldwide. Whilst most are hosted in private homes we also have gardens in schools, retreat centres, places of worship, in community gardens and hospitals. We are currently working with a prison; having been involved with the design and planting advice. This will be completed early next year.
Philip Roderick the founder of The Quiet Garden Movement writes about the ‘Power of Pausing.’ Could you tell us a little about that as it seems that silence and tuning into the senses is a big part of the Quiet Garden Movement.
Focusing on our senses enables us to move from concentrating on our thoughts and what is going on in our minds. As we come to our senses we relax more, and become still. To pray, reflect or simply be we need to be in the present moment. Pausing and becoming still is beneficial to our wellbeing and more so when we are able to do this in a quiet outdoor space.
If a group is interested in hosting a Quiet Garden space there is an Affiliate scheme and an Associate scheme – could you explain the different between the two?
• Affiliate Quiet Gardens are usually within private homes, churches and retreat centres. The hosts, or host organisation, will self-identify as Christian and are likely to be part of a church community for support.
• Associate Quiet Gardens are usually within organisational settings such as schools, hospitals or community gardens. The host organisation may be unconnected to any faith tradition but recognise the value of space for quiet and stillness for their employees, clients and students.
Thank you Sarah for your time.
To find more information about The Quiet Garden Movement visit their website