Video – Submitting a burial grounds wildlife record using iNaturalist
Because many burial grounds have been dedicated green space for years, sometimes centuries, their plant and animal life is often rich and diverse. We want to encourage visitors to burial grounds to record species that they encounter and these records can then be added to a database which we are compiling which will be accessible by all.
Anyone can make a recording by noting down some details – all records are useful, even of common plants, grasses, birds or other wildlife as they help to monitor the rise or decline of species over a period of years. The type of information needed is four simple things – your name, what you saw, the date and the location! This can be e-mailed or posted to us and we will submit it to go on the map (it will be verified first).
Or you can upload your records directly to the system and in this video Liam shows you how. For more information visit:…